code • information design • art direction
Micro-mobility Brazil Platform
The Micro-mobility Brazil Platform is coordinated by the Sustainable Mobility Laboratory [Laboratório de Mobilidade Sustentável] (LABMOB) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) with support from the Climate and Society Institute [InstitutoClima e Sociedade] (iCS) and performed in partnership with the Institute for Energy and Environment (IEMA). The Platform’s objectives are to map public micro-mobility systems, to promote data transparency, and to quantify CO² savings.I’ve worked on the project website – the whole front-end – with the visual and creative coordination of Estudio Nono in Brazil. Website

App in use
- Coding: the whole front-end and interactivity. Done with vanilla JS, Flexbox, D3 and Leaflet. Also developed a system for the researchers to convert/automate manual XLS sheets to JSON files read statically by the website using a Jupyter Notebook.
- Visual adaptation: worked closely with the studio to develop their sketches into what could be achieved with HTML/CSS technologies. Also developed most of the UX/UI details regarding the main interactive pieces, such as how the map technology would work, and also how the app state work between inputs from the user.
- Estudio Nono (
- Labmob (